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For complete automatic bin washing installations, LETS offers a tilter. The tilter lifts the bins from the feed track and turns them. The tubs are then cleaned on their side. After the washing and drying process, the crates can also be tilted to then be transported to the stacker. LETS design, builds and produces complete bin washing systems. The product is in our genes, allowing us to provide excellent service!


Why choose a LETS bv tilter?

  • To maintain high speeds
  • Saves on labour costs; no manual operation
  • Capacities of up to 100 bins an hour possible
  • Solid quality with high degree of workmanship

How it works

The tilter consists of two synthetic tracks. After input, the bins are turned 90° and automatically passed on to the bin washing installation. The tilter comes with a stainless steel safety screen with light screen protection. The unit comes with its own switch box. The sensors have been screened off. Motors conform to EMC guidelines. The control current is safe: 24 V or less.


On request

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This product is expandable with:

(De-) stacker for binwashers

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Logistic systems in solid stainless steel version.

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To blow-dry tubs.

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